Monday, June 11, 2018

My seven book summer reading list

Since we'll be spending a slower summer this year, staying closer to home, I'm looking forward to digging into my reading list. We're considering getting a hammock to complete the experience but the front porch fits the bill pretty well too.

When my Graves disease was active I struggled to read. I had no focus. I would read and re-read, and re-read, often getting so frustrated that I would just give up. I resorted to reading directions and recipes out loud just to get through them. Pretty sure the first year I was diagnosed I didn't read an entire book. Since going into remission late last year one of my priorities has been getting back into a good reading habit.

For my friends in the Southern Hemisphere any of these would make for suitable winter reading as well, simple exchange comfy chair by a fire for the hammock.

Here's my list as it stands.  Are there any books you would suggest I add?

4. The Knowledge Illusion, Why we never think alone Steven Sloman and Philip Fernbach


  1. Sounds like a really interesting list but quite dense so how about something lighter... Have you read The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett? It's about someone else rediscovering reading. Very slim and easy to read but oh so perfectly economical with words. A small slice of joy. xxx

    1. I know I've tended toward dense lately. Notice...there's not even any fiction. I'm finding it difficult to read fiction despite the fact that I avidly read fiction when I was younger. (As in, read a book in a weekend because I just couldn't put it down.) I wish I could because maybe it would help my anxiety levels to get "lost" in a story. Kyle reads that way - its his stress reliever.
      I will certainly look up The Uncommon Reader and appreciate your recommendation!
