Thursday, April 25, 2013

The long and short of it

I've been working with the idea of interchangeable jewelry (teaser...thats the focus of my project in Cynthia's upcoming book).  I like the idea that jewelry can be art that the viewer/observer actually interacts with so it makes sense that I push that idea a little further and construct pieces that the wearer has to the ability to change.

Long, slip over the head necklace

Folding the necklace in 1/2 
I have several pieces like this on my work table right now with the possibility of a long necklace, short necklace and bracelet all combined into one piece. Connections will make all the difference and I want to take the time to work the idea through so that every option is as comfortable and wearable as the others.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Other artistic endeavors

I  purchased just a few new painting supplies to take on our trip. You pack carefully, for 2 months, on an island 1200 miles out to sea and only accessible by ship (or at least you should).

I paint a bit, not as much as I should but I enjoy it.  I thought I'd share this wonderful card that a customer turned friend recently sent me. The second photo is one of my paintings  - no wonder we get along! (I wonder if Marcia has a favorite brand of black pen...)

Marcia Simpson 2012

The view from Matinicus Island, 2010 by Me. 
Marcia is teaching a polymer basics class at Cotuit Center for the Arts in Contuit MA throughtout August. (Marcia is a veteran high school art teacher  - this should be a great class!) 
Marcia's work. Thats A LOT of beads! 

Green rocks by Marcia. I love these! Not surprising that a New Englander is good with stones and rocks. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

6 weeks to go

Between finishing up the school year, spring cleaning and preparing for the trip I am managing to get some of my new work into the shop. (How? I do not know.) 
 Remember my SALE , now through May 30! (10% off and a handwritten postcard from one of the most remote islands in the world)

In the shop soon...can you help me think of a name for these? 
Prismicolor as a highlight. 
Indigo Ombre earrings
I think I'll carve these more and see what happens.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Almost there now

For those of you who haven't heard yet, Cynthia Tinapple's bookPolymer Clay Global Perspectives, Emerging techniques and ideas from 125 international artists is now ready for pre-order on Amazon with a release date of July 30!  (That's my project - interchangeable earrings - top row, second from the left!) I will be somewhere else on the globe at that time but will be home soon afterward and I hope to have a book event at my local library not long after that. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Mail, sale and DIY

Email is great but I still love real mail - postcards especially. 

From now until May 30, use the coupon code STH10 when spending $50 or more in my Etsy shop and 10% will automatically be deducted from your order PLUS I will send you a real, handwritten postcard from Saint Helena, South Atlantic Ocean. (You are welcome to the discount whether or not you'd like a postcard - just make a note in the message to seller when checking out.)

The island is only accessible by ship so delivery will take anywhere from 4-8 weeks depending on where you live - meaning postcards will be received sometime between August and October, complete with rather collectible Saint Helenian stamps.

Easy Postcard Journal DIY

When my kids were little, before they could keep a journal, they started collecting postcards from places we went. It allowed them to make an (inexpensive) purchase and we put them together to make easy travel scrapbooks. Older kids can be encouraged to write a sentence or short paragraph on the back.  We keep postcards we receive from friends and family the same way. 

I purchased medium sized rings an office supply store and punched single holes through a corner of the cards. Its much easier than a traditional scrap book and would work great for photos, tickets and other paper souvenirs. 

My youngest son's travel scrap book - that's the RMS Saint Helena, the only ship that services the island.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

New work

There'll be some new work in the shop this week finally. I still haven't heard if my Reef bracelets will be included in People Style Watch summer edition but I decided better safe than sorry and started making a stash of them and some of the matching necklaces (short and long) too.

No name for these yet - ocean "something" or wave "something...or something like that. 

Short Reef necklace with Lemon'Lime carved bead that sits off center. 

And since one of the jobs we'll have while on Saint Helena will be product photography for SHAPE's Etsy shop, I'm working on my "photos on white background skills".